Creative Kinesiology
Creative Kinesiology
Letting your body's responses speak for you via muscle testing
Here at Healing Harmony I really want to focus on what you need. The process starts with an initial assessment, then I use a simple muscle test to find out which points of your system are balanced and which are switching off.
Initially I use an extended arm muscle to assess whether things are in balance (a locked muscle) or not (a switched off unlocked muscle)
I will look at your central & governing energy meridians, energy levels, and its polarity to see whether your energy system is overwhelmed or not.
Kinesiology helps guide us every step of the way to implement various methods to help towards all of life’s most complex matters.
I use a variety of techniques to restore balance such as acupressure points, and other energy healing modalities.
Food sensitivity testing

Sometimes what we are eating is making us uncomfortable, but how do we find out exactly which foods are affecting us?
I use various phials to find out whether any foods, or food contents such as pathogens, dusts, moulds or pollens are switching your system off.
Please note this is not a medical procedure and will only give you an awareness of potential, likely, adverse substances.
Gut health

There is growing awareness these days of how important the health of our microbiome is
Many of us are familiar with the notion of Candida Albicans, a natural bacterium that lives happily in our gut. However problems can arise when there is a bacterial overgrowth.
Did you know that there are many different types of Candida? Some of them are biofilm Candida such as Candida Krusei, which is often used in making chocolate. If biofilm Candida get established in your gut they can be quite difficult to rebalance. Fortunately there are biofilm disrupter supplements that you can take.
Using the Candida phials I can test to see if any different types of Candida switch your system off. If so I can address these issues with the appropriate recommendations.
Emotional wellbeing

What do we need to make us feel well and at peace?
All our experiences in life affect us positively or negatively, and often our darkest times can be our greatest teachers, leading us to become more resilient.
Using kinesiology I can often help boost your emotional wellbeing to help you achieve a relaxed emotional balance.

Here For You
If you’re looking for quality sessions with a certified Reiki Master that cares, then you’ve come to the right place.
People experience different sensations whilst having a Reiki treatment. Most find it incredibly relaxing and report that they sleep better afterwards or feel less stressed.
Some people experience seeing colours or feeling heat and tingling during the process. It is also possible to have an emotional response during a treatment indicating a shift of energy or a release of stored stresses.
Schedule an appointment today and see what I can do for you.
Reiki attunements

Spiritual healing energy attunement
In order to be able to work with the spiritual healing energy of Reiki you need to receive a Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master. The Reiki Master will have received their attunement from someone connected with the lineage of the Japanese founder Mikao Usui in the 1900s who was a Buddhist priest.
There are three levels of attunement within the Reiki system.
Reiki 1 opens you up 20% and can be used on yourself and family
Reiki 2 opens you up 80% and can be used on others. You are given symbols to initiate the Reiki energy.
If you wish to practice on other people and charge you must have Therapy Insurance in order to do that.
Reiki Master level opens the energy up to 100% and you will be given another activation symbol to work with.
If you want a chat about any aspects of the Reiki attunement process please get in touch.

A wonder of plant remedies, we dare to care
In 2019 I entered the wonderful world of Weleda by becoming a wellbeing advisor. Although well known for their wonderful skin products, I became really excited about their plant based and homeopathic remedies. There is a wealth of wisdom contained in nature, and as we are part of nature it can be a beautiful symbiotic relationship.
I offer one to one consultations, if you want to know more. I also have a Weleda web shop where you can find out all about the beautiful skin care range and supportive remedies that are available
Crystal Dowsing Workshop

Learn how to dowse using a crystal pendulum
You will learn how to connect to Divine source and clear negative or inappropriate energy from your aura. Cleanse and balance the chakras and receive guidelines on helpful questioning techniques. Dowsing can also be useful for finding out whether something resonates with you or not.This workshop can be done online via zoom or face to faceIf you have any questions please contact me for a chatI am a registered Crystal therapist with the International association of Crystal Healing Therapists IACHT