Dedicated to your wellbeing
Your health depends not just on your physical state but on your emotional and mental wellbeing as well. With all of our protocols we aim to facilitate balance, so that you can function at your best
Kinesiology can access your body's wisdom via muscle testing. It can help restore low energy states and work with manging stress. Kinesiology can help shift stuck thought patterns, facilitate change, help with goal alignment, and much more!
We also work with gut issues, and food sensitivity testing including using candida phials
We can also assess and direct you to appropriate supplements depending on your body's needs.

About me
My name is Shanaz or Sue, I am a qualified CKRP practitioner with the school of Creative Kinesiology.
I am passionate about Creative Kinesiology
I was very fortunate to come across kinesiology whilst already working as a crystal therapist & reiki practitioner, and what a wonderful voyage of exploration it has been since then.
I am blessed with a wonderful array of clients. Each and every one of you are special and unique, and that's why I feel honoured to share your investigative journey to empowerment and wellbeing.
Reiki & Holistic Treatments
A Japanese Buddhist monk Mikao Usui brought Reiki into the world through an enlightened experience.
The Oxford English dictionary defines Reiki as:
'A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well being'
Many people have experienced reiki treatments and found them to be extremely relaxing and beneficial, treatments usually last about an hour.
Many people have gone on to be practitioners and Reiki masters by becoming attuned to the beautiful universal life force Reiki energy
If you want to learn more about Reiki give me a call. I'm always happy to help another seeker start their journey.